discussion / Sensors  / 16 March 2019

Suggestions or Preferences for content for this forum?


Hi everyone. I'd love to make this forum more active. Is there anything people would like to see here? Some ideas are:

  • Explainers on IoT
  • How-to articles on putting together wireless sensor networks
  • How-to videos on setting up wireless sensor networks
  • Explainers on IoT back end, ie: cloud networks, custom web servers, databases
  • Case studies
  • Interesting links

Let me know below. Thanks :)

Hey Akiba,

It would be great to have a conversation about what could be done in the field with IoT systems beyond virtual fencing and other current systems being implemented in conservation. Cases are great here but thinking beyond of what's the need and where could some creative thinking be applied to solve conservation problems. Thanks for getting this going!


I'm an engineer and product designer working on wildlife conservation technology.
Group Curator
WILDLABS Event Speaker

That sounds awesome. Perhaps we start with that. Perhaps discussing some case studies of IoT being used outside of wildlife conservation (ie: enviornmental monitoring, etc), some theoretical applications of IoT that can be followed up with practical discussions on the implementation, or perhaps some hands on tutorials?

I'll start looking into some content ideas and please post anything you find, want to discuss, or would be more interested to hear about.
