discussion / Sensors  / 17 July 2019

New article: Bridge et al. 2019 An Arduino-Based RFID Platform for Animal Research


Eli Brigge and colleagues just published a nice article detailing their open-source RFID logger. The article is in open access: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fevo.2019.00257/full

They share designs, part lists and scripts. The designs have been tested with bird species, but they should be applicable to other animal groups. 

They also list other project that have used RFID loggers in avian ecology, and other manufacturers. 

Now, we just need to add satellite communication :)



Yvan Satgé
@YvanSG  | he/him
Clemson University
Seabird ecologist at Clemson University, South Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Co-chair of Caribbean Seabird Working Group.
Commenter level 2
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Hi all,

Some ETAG rfid-readers developped by Eli Bridge et al. are now avaible at https://www.labmaker.org/collections/earth-and-ecology/products/etag. The price is high, though: USD139. 

Note that these are NOT sold by Eli's team: Eli made the design open-source so LabMaker updated and produced some.
