discussion / Citizen Science  / 5 April 2016

Citizen Science Conservation Apps


I have been creating a listing of citizen science apps. Here are a few of them.

1. iBats - Allows for the recording and monitoring of bat calls. 

2. iNaturalist - Citizen Science data collection. All of the accumulated information goes into the Global Biodiversity Information Facility for use in better understanding the range and populations of species. 

3. Leafsnap - An electronic guide to leaves of trees currently expanding to cover all the United States but for now focuses on trees in the Northeast and Canada. 

These are just a few I've found, what are some of your own?

Thanks for starting this thread, John! 

A couple of my favourites: 

iSpot - A friendly and free community helping to identify wildlife and share nature. Add your photo and the community helps identify what you've seen. Over 30,000 species have been identified. 

Wablr - an app that automatically recognises birds by their song. The way in which it works is simple – make a recording with your smartphone, and Warblr will identify the species of bird/s that can be found in that recording, providing you with images and descriptions to help you learn more about our feathered friends. In using Warblr, you will be contributing to a citizen science project, and hopefully one day helping to protect endangered species. We are making the recordings and the data collected on species identification freely available to be used for research and conservation

Instant Wild - Images of wild animals are sent to you directly from small automatic cameras placed in remote locations. When you identify the wild animal by matching the photo with the relevant image in the Field Guide you save conservationist thousands of hours by helping to sort the images by species group. This enables scientist to analyze the data much faster and assess whether the threatened animals are increasing or decreasing. This knowledge is essential for effective conservation.

Thanks for sharing the list. There is also a web app called iRecord that allows you to submit species sightings that are verified and then passed on to GBIF. Here are some mobile apps linked to iRecord that you might find interesting:

iRecord Dragonflies - identify and record/survey UK dragonflies.

Lichen App - use lichen species to assess atmospheric nitrogen pollution effects.

iRecord Ladybirds - identify and contribute to UK Ladybird Survey.

iRecord Grasshoppers - support grasshopper study and conservation and contribute to a new national atlas.

iRecord Butterflies - similar to the above.

Plant Tracker - identify and report invasive non-native plant species.

and there is more here