discussion / Acoustics  / 20 March 2017

Comparing two sound wave files - for a conservation game

Hello sound experts

We in the conservation games area are working on a game idea that would require the ability to compare two sound waves (no more than 3 seconds each) and see how close of a 'match' they are.  The sound waves could include the call of any animal (wild or otherwise).  It is not necessary to identify the sound wave, but just to compare and come up with some objective score of how close a match they are.  I know nothing of how to do this, but if there is anyone that might understand a) technically how one would go about doing this b) be interested in doing a little prototype with us (or introducing us to an engineer that might), please get in touch. I can explain more about the game idea too.  Its a lot of fun.


Gautam - Internet of Elephants


Hey Gautam!

Could you share few sample files? I want to try out a couple algorithm and see if that's useful to you.

