discussion / Wildlife Crime  / 21 February 2022

Anti-poaching CCTV and boat sensor

Hi all, 

I work for Zoological Society of London (ZSL) in Thailand. We work closely with several wildlife sanctuaries and national parcs in the southern Western Forest Complex of Thailand, which is a large tract of contiguous biodiverse protected areas along the Thai-Myanmar border. One of the parks we collaborate with has requested support for the installation of a CCTV set-up at certain park entry points to monitor real-time illegal entry. In addition, because the park border is along a river they have also inquired about an acoustic or camera-based sensor that could be deployed on the river (on a buoy?) to monitor and combat illegal boat traffic upriver into the PA. 

If anyone has recommendations for (1) real-time CCTV monitoring (land and river based) tech and (2) funding opportunities, such as small tech or enforcement grants, we would be deeply appreciative. Many thanks!