discussion / Remote Sensing & GIS  / 5 April 2016

Conservation apps with a GPS focus

I've found two conservation apps that might be of interest to the community.

1. Solocator - A photo taking app that immediately records elevation, latitutde/longitude and compass readings. This would be useful for someone doing invasive plant surveys, or nesting/denning locations of mammals.

2. Gaia GPS - A way for someone to map their trail. This could be useful for mapping transects, or if you are trailing an animal. You can also drop pins along the way.


What kind of GIS/Remote Sensing apps do you use? 

Another option is OruxMaps, free for android, not very intuitive but very powerful. But it's important to bear in mind that phone GPS accuracy can be lower than "traditional" GPS, specially when part of the sky is blocked.

 Here is a test https://blogs.esri.com/esri/arcgis/2013/07/15/smartphones-tablets-and-gps-accuracy/