discussion / Remote Sensing & GIS  / 28 August 2018

Invitation to Contribute to the ISPRS SC Newsletter

Hi everyone,

I am Sheryl Rose Reyes, Chair of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Student Consortium (ISPRS SC, sc.isprs.org). The ISPRS SC publishes a  Newsletter, which we call SpeCtrum, and this coming September 2018, we aim to publish an issue focusing on the use of remote sensing, GIS and geospatial technology in conservation and ecology.

I am inviting to you to contribute and share your work in the ISPRS SC community through a feature article, which can be about 500 words long with some good photos. The article can be about your research or a project you are currently involved in. The Newsletter will be shared in our social media, particularly in our Facebook page which currently has over 6,000 members and will also be shared on our website. The link to the Newsletter is also posted on the main ISPRS page.

Deadline for contributions is on September 21, 2018.

If you are interested to contribute, please send me a message or an email ([email protected]).

Thank you!


Hi Sheryl,

This sounds great, thank you for sharing! As you may be aware, we had the UK National Earth Observation Conference 2018 here in the UK just last week (and you can see the abstracts here).

I'll share your call for submissions with colleagues in the Cambridge conservation community, noting your September 21st deadline.

Best wishes,
