discussion / Software and Mobile Apps  / 22 March 2020

Mobile App for Illegal Ivory Sales

Since 2018, Biologists without Borders has been gathering data on illegal ivory sales in the U.S. via internet searches and our free mobile app (i of the Elephant; that lets people report where ivory is being sold). Our 2018 and 2019 summary reports are attached. As a result of our intel, there have been six successful prosecutions of illegal ivory sells. In the most recent bust, the seller ranked fourth in the U.S. for online ivory items for sell in our 2018 report.  Hundreds of our other reports on illegal ivory sales are currently being investigated by State and Federal wildlife agencies. In addition, we are collaborating with the National Whistleblowers Center and the Department of Homeland Security who are also pursuing prosecutions.

We are also collaborating with the the Humane Society. We are giving them our intel on ivory sells in states with the highest listings to facilitate their efforts to enact ivory bans in those states. In addition, we have just started to collect data on ivory sales in the United Kingdom because their recent ivory ban.  To assist with our efforts, we have been collaborating with the directors at Oxpeckers, an investigative environmental journalism non- profit based in South Africa. Their #WildEye platform tracks and maps wildlife crimes in Europe and the UK.

We are also looking for ways to promote our app to the general public.  So if anyone has ideas on promotional opportunities or potential partnerships please let us know. 


2018_online_ivory_listed_for_sale_in_the_united_states_-_biologists_without_borders.pdf 2019_online_ivory_listed_for_sale_in_the_united_states.pdf