discussion / eDNA & Genomics  / 12 May 2021

PhD Survey - Use of genetic tools in aquatic invasive species management

Posting for a labmate. La encuesta está en inglés, pero se ha proporcionado una traducción en español (ver adjunto). Al contestar la encuesta, se agradecerían comentarios escritos en inglés,pero no son necesarios.

Dear participant, 

My name is Thaïs and I am a graduate student at the University of Toronto. For my phD, I am examining population changes in an invasive species and their management implications. I am currently looking for participants to answer a quick 10mn survey on the use of genetic tools to inform aquatic invasive species management. If you have conducted research-oriented or management-oriented work with aquatic invasive species within the past 5 years, I would love to hear from you. Additionally, please feel free to forward this message to colleagues who may be interested in participating!

The data collected will provide useful insights on general research needs, as well as the importance and current integration of genetic tools and concepts to support aquatic invasive species management decisions. This information may help build effective collaborations between practitioners and genetic scientists, thereby facilitating the incorporation of genetic tools and approaches into practitioners’ toolbox to address the invasive species problem. 

There is no compensation for answering this survey, nor is there any known risk. It is completely anonymous, and participation is voluntary. If you chose to participate, please complete and submit the following online survey: https://survey.sogosurvey.com/Survey1.aspx?k=SsRPWPPRsQsPsPsPsSUWSQQXUQ&lang=0

Submitting the survey will indicate your willingness to participate in this study, which we intend to publish and publicly present.

If you would like a summary of the results, require additional information, or have questions, please feel free to email me at the address below. 

We thank you for your time and participation.

Thaïs Bernos ([email protected])

Dr. Nick Mandrak ([email protected])

Dr. Ken Jeffries ([email protected])


Thais Bernos

University of Toronto
