SMART 2016 Annual Report

Hello Wildlabs Community,

Just wanted to make you aware of the release of the 2016 Annual Report from the SMART (Spatial Monitoring And Reporting Tool) Partnership. If you're already familiar with SMART, this will give you an update on developments and future plans, but if you're unfamiliar with SMART, it's a good place to get acquainted with the SMART software and its mission.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions - happy to have a chat about it!


Thanks for sharing this, Drew! We have a number of SMART focused case studies and articles in our Resources area that might also be worth checking out if you're considering using SMART in your work: 

  • The Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool (SMART) - Alexa Montefiore gave a nice introduction to SMART in this first overview article 
  • Video: Discover the SMART Approach - recorded in June 2016, this talk was presented by Barney Long (@Barney_Long ), Emma Stokes (@estokes ) , Jonathan Palmer (@jpalmer ) and Alexa Montefiore, this talk explains the origins of SMART, offers case studies of successful applications and outlines future development plans for the methodology. The session concludes with an interactive Q&A session, which offered the opportunity to delve deeper into the practicalities of implementing SMART. 
  • Getting SMART in Cambodia - In this talk, Kate West (@katewest ), Manager of our Marine Conservation Group, shares her key lessons learnt from implementing SMART in a marine context and dives deep into the limitations and considerations that need to be taken into account when implementing the SMART approach. This is a valuable talk for any team considering deploying SMART in a marine context.