discussion / Acoustics  / 14 October 2021

Tech Tutors: How do I analyze large acoustic datasets using PAMGuard?

Hi Wildlabbers,

This week's Tech Tutor Jamie MacAulay is talking about how to use and analyze large acoustic data using PAM. Whilst data that covers large spatial and temporal scales is more valuable, it can also be more difficult to interpret. Jamie will introduce us to PAMGuard and take us through some example datasets to deepen our understanding of how it can aid conservation. 

If you can't make it to the live episode, we'll be sharing the recording afterward in here, on WILDLABS, and on our Youtube. And if you have questions for Jamie, us, or other particpants after the episode, write here in this thread!

If you haven't registered yet, you can find all the details here. Hope we'll see you there for another great episode!

