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Description Activity Replies Groups Updated
Hello Friends,Its amazing to see the growing number of organisations working in biodiversity conservation.Biodiversity stories can have a...
Data management and processing tools, Software and Mobile Apps 1 month 1 week ago
Hello community, I wanted to share some exciting updates about my ongoing conservation project for endangered species. I post this here...
Human-Wildlife Conflict, Early Career 1 month 1 week ago
Hi Hubert,There's been some research into which batteries are most effective with ARUs, and there's some results here: Battery quality can vary greatly, especially NiMh....
  • +2
Acoustics 1 month 1 week ago
Hi everyone. I'm still confused about this. Is it feasible to employ environmental DNA (eDNA) for the detection of two distinct communities...
eDNA & Genomics 1 month 2 weeks ago
Really interesting project. Interesting chip set you found. With up to around 2mb sram that’s quite a high memory for a  ultra low power soc I think.It might also be...
  • +8
Acoustics, AI for Conservation 1 month 2 weeks ago
Hi Rokshana,Maybe you can try this product from India called ANIDERS -  I think this product would help you a lot. This is their website - 
Human-Wildlife Conflict, East Africa Community 1 month 2 weeks ago
Hi Sienna, I'm in the Worcester area and always keep an eye on positions nearby for my students. I recommend adding Mass Audubon to your list (currently searching for a land...
Early Career 1 month 2 weeks ago
Hi Gabriel,Our TagRanger Tags can be used for tracking turtles,  we already have a tracking project commencing soon in South America for ~40 turtles...https://www.tagranger....
Biologging 1 month 2 weeks ago
Hi everyone, I am currently working on the vocal repertoire of an Amazon turtle species and would appreciate if someone would be open...
Acoustics 1 month 2 weeks ago
Hi, I made a little utility script that folks here might find useful (or might have MUCH BETTER VERSIONS OF! and if so, let me know!) ...
Autonomous Camera Traps for Insects 1 month 3 weeks ago
Hi Scott, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts here! It would be great to learn more about this, would you be interested in finding a time to chat? Thanks!
Marine Conservation, Sustainable Fishing Challenges, Wildlife Crime 1 month 3 weeks ago
Absolutely! I pretty much do the same thing, the resizing step I think relates to what I still have to do. Some large images caused my code to crash.I want to take it one step...
AI for Conservation 1 month 3 weeks ago