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Super, I'll be in touch soon! 
Women in Conservation Tech Programme (WiCT) 2 months ago
Perfect thanks! I am still a novice using Python but my wife can help me! 
  • +6
AI for Conservation, Camera Traps, Human-Wildlife Conflict 2 months ago
@PaulAllin Thanks for your valuable insights. Zenmuse H20N seems to be very powerful and useful in this case. However, I'm looking for a more affordable option for a self-funded...
  • +5
Drones, Human-Wildlife Conflict 2 months 1 week ago
We did some more testing with the Mothbeam in the forest. It's the height of dry season right now, so not many moths came out, but the mothbeam shined super bright and attracted a...
Autonomous Camera Traps for Insects 2 months 1 week ago
Hi everyone! My name is Leah Govia and I am a PhD candidate at the University of Guelph, Canada. My research explores what people...
Ethics of Conservation Tech, Conservation Tech Training and Education, AI for Conservation 2 months 1 week ago
Thank you for the help! 
Biologging, Emerging Tech 2 months 1 week ago
We will be conducting in-person demos of our cutting-edge drone technology in the US this year! 🇺🇸 If you're interested in experiencing...
Biologging, Drones, Remote Sensing & GIS, Software and Mobile Apps 2 months 1 week ago
I have a few suggestions Maggie. Hopefully one or more will be useful. Preprocessing - Compressing the data before transmission will reduce file size and reduce transmission...
Biologging 2 months 2 weeks ago
This is a great starting point - thanks for the help
Camera Traps 2 months 2 weeks ago
Hi Amit,The most important thing is that the livestock owners contact you as soon as possible after finding the carcass. We commonly do two things if they contact us on the same...
Camera Traps, AI for Conservation, Conservation Tech Training and Education, Early Career, Human-Wildlife Conflict, Protected Area Management Tools 2 months 2 weeks ago
Hi Danilo. you seem very passionate about this initiative which is a good start.It is an interesting coincidence that I am starting another project for the coral reefs in the...
Acoustics, AI for Conservation, Biologging, Camera Traps, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Community Base, Connectivity, Drones, Emerging Tech, Human-Wildlife Conflict, Open Source Solutions, Sensors, Software and Mobile Apps, Wildlife Crime 2 months 3 weeks ago
Hi Danilo, yes just in time ;-) 
Camera Traps, Autonomous Camera Traps for Insects 2 months 3 weeks ago