
Ethics of Conservation Tech / Feed

Over the last few years the conservation movement has been enthusiastically deploying new technologies that make it possible to observe and protect the natural world in ways once unimaginable. But are there any potential risks we need to consider as we deploy the new, exciting technologies?


How do I use conservation tech ethically?

Doug Clark
Catch up on our Tech Tutors panel episode with Doug Clark, Trishant Simlai, Laure Joanny, and Koustubh Sharma, who discussed the question, "How do I use conservation tech ethically?" Watch the full session below and on...

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Seeking feedback: draft principles for responsible use of conservation surveillance technology

Hi Wildlabs members, I've been working with @csandbrook  , @StephODonnell  and others to develop a set of principles for the responsible use of surveillance...

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Guidelines for reducing disturbance to wildlife when using drones

Does anyone know of any existing guidelines for reducing disturbance to wildlife when using drones- please share!

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this paper is a good place to start: Hodgson, J. C., & Koh, L. P. (2016). Best practice for minimising unmanned aerial vehicle disturbance to wildlife in biological field research. Current Biology, 26(10), R404-R405.

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Responsible Data concerns

The Responsible Data community has published an open letter today regarding concerns...

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Building tech solutions from the ground up

It's great to see this Group given the tendency to focus on 'new' and 'innovative' technologies, and the challenges and ethics that this focus brings...

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Thanks for contributing these thoughts and resources, Ken. Great to see you in the WILDLABS.NET community!

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