discussion / Early Career  / 16 September 2020

BIPOC mentors/mentees + Scholarship Opportunity!

Hi Wildlabbers,

Our friends from Black Mammalogists Week are creating a network of mentors and mentees for Black and underrepresented groups working in conservation and science! (Note: Although this is part of Black Mammalogists Week, there are options for mentors and mentees interested in study areas other than mammals.)

If you are part of the BIPOC (Black, indigenous, or other POC) community, and are interested in either mentoring a student or early career conservationist/field researcher/mammalogist/etc., or in finding a mentor to give you career advice, submit one of the following forms:

Mentors - Apply Here

Mentees - Apply Here

And check out the Black Mammalogists twitter for more resources (including upcoming grants) and networking opportunities.


Hey Wildlabbers,

Wanted to update with another opportunity from the Black Mammalogists Week organizers!

They're working on a BIPOC scholarship with the funds raised during Black Mammalogists Week, and they'd like to hear about how $1500 would impact your research and early career development! Details here:

Hey y'all this is still happening!

Are you BIPOC? Interested in mammals/wildlife?

How would *$1500* change your research or professional development? DM us for how to contribute a 30-sec vid to our campaign for the BIPOC scholarship endowment. RT!https://t.co/Rx16dyk6mZ

— Black Mammalogists (@BlkMammalogists) November 10, 2020