BLE connection problems

Hello Akiba and Jacinta,
I am doing connection tests of the Wildlogger through the BLE HM-10 module and I have a problem for which I can not find a solution
I have connected the power supply of the HM-10 to the VCC5, the RX and TX communication lines, and the connection is made correctly through the serial port via BLE, I can receive and send data, but the moment I disconnect the BLE, the Wildlogger stop transmitting data.
Apparently the problem is in the RX line of the WL, level 3.3V, connected to the TX of the HM-10, at the moment the BLE connection is broken, it remains in a low state (1.4V), preventing the transmission of the serial port and the normal operation of the program
I don't know if I could configure the HM-10 so that its RX pin remains in a floating state when it does not have a working BLE connection, and thus avoid interfering with the serial port of the WL?
I hope I have explained myself. Do you have any ideas?
Kind regards,

I'm an engineer and product designer working on wildlife conservation technology.
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WILDLABS Event Speaker

Hi Jose.

I somehow missed this post. I can't fully understand the issue you're running into. Can you post the code you're using? Also if you can, perhaps a rough diagram of how you're interfacing the BLE HM-10 to the Wildlogger? It sounds like you somehow have it connected to the USB dongle interface? And then the other side of the Bluetooth connection is connected to the PC? It sounds like an interesting application.



Hi Akiba,
It seems to me that I have not explained myself well, as it is a somewhat special topic, if you think I will answer you in private. These days I'm a bit busy, but I hope I can answer you soon
Best regards,