Introduction to CT Textbook 

So this is an idea that I've had for a while, and I have some bandwidth for it now. I want to make a purely online (free for all users) conservation technology textbook (potentially with a hardcover copy for those that are interested, but all proceeds would go to non-profits) that is an intro to the field for engineers, biologists, computer scientists, and all who are interested in building a curriculum forward. I've been working on teaching an undergraduate course and have some good learning objectives/etc., but I think this is the first step towards undergraduate Tech4Wildlife courses being taught. This would likely be a commitment of a few hours a week for the next year with a delegation of specific chapters to experts in the field, with authorship given to all who could help. Who would be interested in something like this? 

Lucy Tallents
@lucytallents  | She/Her
Sociable e-learning for conservation capacity building

Hi Andrew, I think this is a great initiative, and I'd be happy to support it.  I'm an EdTech expert rather than conservation tech, although I do teach coding/camera-trapping basics etc.  What I could do is act as a sounding board and offer ideas on how to make the online resources interactive, choose EdTech tools that best support what you're trying to achieve, running it as a MOOC, open licencing of learning materials, and/or supporting sociable and peer-learning.

I'm self-employed so wouldn't be able to commit as much as several hours/week, but I could be involved at that level at particular stages, commit several hours/month, or be a resource person that you call on when needed.

Hi Andrew,

Great idea. It would be cool if the text uses multiple types of media. There is a new recent example of an online text for Google Earth Engine: Cloud-Based Remote Sensing with Google Earth Engine: Fundamentals and Applications that is very nicely done with links to code, exercises, and written by multiple authors that could partially serve as guidance for your text.

