discussion / Camera Traps  / 3 February 2016

[ARCHIVED]: Smithsonian Course: Camera Trapping Study Design and Data Analysis for Occupancy and Density Estimation

This Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation course offering looks really valuable: 

Camera Trapping Study Design and Data Analysis for Occupancy and Density Estimation 

"Camera traps have become a critical field tool in ecology and conservation, particularly in the study of medium- to large-sized mammals. While the set-up and operation of most camera traps is relatively straightforward, proper study design and analysis for projects relying on camera traps can be a significant challenge, particularly as new approaches like spatially-explicit capture-recapture (SECR) analyses become standard. This course is designed to provide a strong theoretical and analytical background to both graduate students and professionals in the use of camera traps to address ecological and conservation-oriented questions including the estimation of animal abundance, density and occupancy, and the monitoring of population trends over time. Applications for this offering of the course will only be open to those working in Latin America on medium- or large-sized mammal species."


June 20-29, 2016


Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Virginia

Application Procedure

Camera Trapping Study Design and Data Analysis is offered through the Smithsonian-Mason School of Conservation as a professional training course for 3-4 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Applications should be submitted using the Online Application Page

For first consideration, apply before April 11, 2016 


Scholarships are available on a competitive basis for eligible applicants. Click HERE for more information on scholarships.

For more information

Email: [email protected].