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Header image: Laura Kloepper, Ph.D.



Welcome to the Machine and Deep Learning group! Here, we'll be discussing current and future uses of Deep Learning (DL) and more broadly Machine Learning (ML) for improving...

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To start things off...

I'm David J Klein. My background is in deep learning, machine learning, neuroscience, neuromorphic computing, and signal processing. I've been doing the startup thing Silicon Valley for the last 11 years after being in academia for a while. I've worked on products ranging from speech recognition systems, to cloud-based deep learning platforms. These days, some use the blanket term "AI". 

For the last several years I've been developing software for Conservation Metrics which gives their analysists the ability to use deep learning to process large volumes of audio and image data from remote sensors in order to monitor population density changes of endangered species, detect collisions of birds and bats with infrastructure,  and find rare and elusive species. 

More broadly, I'm interested in integrating many disparate sensing domains from eDNA, to land-based sensors, to GIS data in order to provide tools to conservation scientists and ecologists that will enable them to develop a higher resolution understanding of the health of ecosysems around the globe and their response to positive or negative human interventions.

I'm looking forward to interacting with you all. Please let me know what other questions you have for me, and other ways I can help.




I am jason Holmberg from I am one of the developers of Wildbook (, an open source data management platform for wildlife research. I'm using ML as part of the project to boost and metascore multiple computer vision algorithms for individual humpback and sperm whales. David, I would love to speak offline if you have the time: [email protected].




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Can gaming help conservation? - Wildsense Tiger App

We asked twitter the question, 'can gaming help conservation?' and were delighted when Aaron Mase (University of Surrey) responded with an emphatic 'yes...

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Hi Steph,

Thanks for your message. I would be delighted to answer your question about Wildsense.

You are correct that our aim is to do a lot more than raise awareness and engange citizens with our Wildsense Tigers game.

We are using images from a range of image sharing websites that have been uploaded by people online and publicly shared. Each photograph contains valuable information that often includes the time and location that the photograph is taken. If we can understand when a photo was taken, where it was taken, and the individual animal in the photograph, then we can start to build up a picture of the movement of individuals. We are benefiting from people power from the users that are both indirectly uploading photographs online and also directly interacting with our Wildsense game. We are combining this with computing power with our data analysis, computer vision and machine learning software.

We are doing this experiment on a large scale and we believe that "the wisdom of the crowd" will enable us to gather and analyse enough information so that we can build an accurate picture. We started with wild tigers and our plan is to create a platform that can be used for other species as well. We are working on other animals already behind the scenes.

I hope that answers your question.

Best wishes,

Aaron Mason

Hi Aaron,

It's a great concept of using gaming for the benefit of conservation, but I do have one big question about Wildsense and tigers. Since poaching is one of the main threats to the 3,000 or so remaining wildl tigers, there are great risks involved with publicizing the location and timing of any tiger sightings.

Furthermore, this approach can probably only work for Bengal tigers, since other tiger species, such as Sumatran and Malayan, are very rarely sighted, even by the most dedicated conservationists ( or poachers), as their jungle habitat is so dense. For Bengal Tigers, there are already ventures for online monitoring and identificaton, such as

Good luck with your project. Barbara from BiodiversityBusiness.


Hi Barbara,

You are right in that cyberpoaching is becoming an increasing risk. I have seen various cases where information posted on social media has provided too much information and then ended up in the wrong hands (e.g.

We need to be careful about the accuracy of information that is disclosed. Providing an approximate time and location seems to be the most popular adopted approach. 

Hacking is another issue. For example, I have seen research demonstrating the potential to gain unauthrised access to GPS collar data.


Our main focus has been the Bengal Tiger but we want to see how much we can learn about other tigers as well. Our end goal is to support a range of animal species.


P.S. I am pleased that you are aware of - I co-founded it :)

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Google Releases Tensor Flow

Google have ignored all warnings from the Terminator and opened sourced their AI code. This has huge potential for use in conservation. How can we use it?

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"TensorFlow, you see, deals in a form of AI called deep learning. With deep learning, you teach systems to perform tasks such as recognizing images, identifying spoken words, and even understanding natural language by feeding data into vast neural networks. "

Would this be applicable to an acoustic monitoring network? For example. my research has shown tigers have unique, identifiable vocalizations down to the individual and sex. If this software is applied to my recording network for tigers, would it be able to automatically recognize and categorize these individuals?

For example: when it hears Tiger 108, it would know and then input that it heard Tiger 108 at a particular time and date.

The catch will be (and for any neural network or AI type learning I would expect the same) the training phase. If you are able to tell the sounds apart or identify a specific sound as belonging to a certain individual, the AI should afterwards be able to automatically identify the critical factors needed to distinguish the voices of the individuals. But it will need enough input from each individual as well as the different vocalizations used by tigers. AFAIKT it will be able to do this automatically afterwards, but I am not sure if (a) you will get enough identifiable vocalisations and (b) with a wide enough range of typical tiger vocalisations for it to be really reliable. Training on zoo animals might work? I am also interested in this, but for jackals instead of tigers.

I'd like to suggest our open source package Wildbook ( as a base data management platfor for this. I agree with the above that there are a number of challenges around the vocalizations themselves, but having the identity information in a good database and data model is a great foundation. That's what we're doing for our computer vision/deep learning project at


Our non-profit is running both. Feel free to contact us with questions. We have played with time series matching (often used for speech recognition)...but actually for whale flukes. Would be happy to discuss potential for audio ID. 

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Claude Miaud's eDNA presentation at 2015 Fuller Symposium

Dear eDNA community, Claude Miaud's presentation 'Biodiversity in a Drop of Water: The New Opportunity of Environmental DNA (eDNA)' at the 2015 Fuller Symposium...

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Thanks for sharing this, Sarah.

Article about Claude Miaud's presentation at the Fuller Symposium:


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Gaming with real data

Hi.  Very glad to have this group as I think this is an area that has a lot of potential and little attention.  I founded Internet of Elephants this year and we are...

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Cheap Space, DIY Imaging and Big Data

John Amos, President of SkyTruth, explores how remote sensing is being used in conservation today and the importance of sky-truthing. He examines the role that citizen scientists can play in increasing transparency in...

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Helpful Info

Hi everyone,  I've update the group manager guidelines to match some of the interface improvements we've be able to implement over the last few weeks. See attached...

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Drones as elephant deterrent (herding device)

One of the most novel and promising uses for a drone I've seen is to herd elephants away from crops and villages. Resolve has done some trials and initial results are...

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Hi Dave,

I believe with any DJI drones you can plot out the course of a drone and let it fly along the route with you controling the speed and height of the drone. The limitation is that it has to eb within a mile of the pilot.




True, but ideal the navigation system would need to be more interactive to be able to respond to the elephant movements in real-time.

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