
Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CRES)
Short summary for card views and tables:  
CRES is a research institute in Vietnam, focused on natural resources management and environmental studies, providing scientific research, training, and capacity-building to support sustainable development.


The Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CRES) is a research institute based in Hanoi, Vietnam, dedicated to natural resources management and environmental studies. With its establishment in 1985, CRES aims to provide scientific information and research to support sustainable development in Vietnam. The institute conducts research on various areas, such as land use planning, water resource management, climate change, and biodiversity conservation. Additionally, CRES offers training programs to enhance the capacity of government officials, academics, and other stakeholders in natural resources and environmental management. Conservation technology, including environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis, is employed by CRES in its research and conservation efforts.

Organisation Type 


Species Group 

  •  Birds
  •  Reptiles

Main Address

No 19 Le Thanh Tong, Hoan Kiem
Hanoi City



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