
Conservation GIS Lab
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The Conservation GIS Lab at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute employs advanced GIS technologies for evidence-based conservation strategies and the preservation of biodiversity.
  • Diep edited main address - (20 June 2023 4:54pm)

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The Conservation GIS Lab, affiliated with the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, is a prominent organization dedicated to the intersection of conservation and geographic information systems (GIS). They utilize advanced GIS technologies to analyze and visualize ecological data, monitor biodiversity, and assess the impacts of environmental changes on species and habitats. By integrating conservation science with geospatial analysis, the Conservation GIS Lab contributes to evidence-based decision-making, effective conservation strategies, and the preservation of global biodiversity.

Organisation Type 


Species Group 

Main Address

Office of International Relations
1100 Jefferson Dr. SW Washington, DC 20013
United States



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