
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Geospatial data for species, habitats, landcover prediction and habitat assessment, biodiversity and others.


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Species Group 


The Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (AMBI) monitors both the state of biodiversity and human footprint in Alberta. The AMBI employs a systematic grid of 1656 locations at 20 km intervals to collect detailed biodiversity data, where species presence, habitat characteristics, and samples are recorded and collected. The human footprint data uses high-resolution satellite imagery from SPOT6 to manually digitise anthropogenic disturbance on land, alongside aerial photographs as validation. Data is available for exploring on the Biodiversity Browser, and available to download via a number of categories.

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Species & habitat raw data; human footprint products; advanced landcover prediction & habitat products; geospatial land surface data; dervied species data (i.e. distribution, richness); camera trap data; rare species data



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