
Biodiversity and Threats Monitoring App (BioMon)
Short summary for card views and tables:  
BioMon is a mobile app that enables easy data collection and analysis on terrestrial biodiversity and threats, empowering local communities to monitor and protect their key biodiversity areas.
  • Diep edited cost range - (5 June 2023 4:41am)


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BioMon, the Biodiversity and Threats Monitoring App, is a mobile application designed to capture and analyze data related to terrestrial biodiversity and threats. With BioMon, users can easily gather monitoring and encounter data using their mobile phones in the field. The app enables immediate uploading of data to a web dashboard, eliminating the need for manual data entry and preventing data backlog. The information collected through BioMon can be stored, shared, and analyzed, allowing for the mapping of biodiversity distribution and the identification of threats. Developed by CCIPH, BioMon aims to empower local communities to actively monitor their key biodiversity areas and utilize the data to inform decision-making and conservation management.

Product Type 

Technology Type 

Cost range

  •  Price available on request

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