
Short summary for card views and tables:  
Camelot is a free, open source camera trap software that hosts and keeps track of camera trap and species data, making species identification and classification quick and easy for wildlife researchers and conservationists.


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Camelot is an open source camera trap software that allows for image processing and organization by keeping track of camera trap and species data hosted in a database, facilitating image classification. The software can be downloaded on Mac, PC, Linux and has multi-user options. It provides flexible reports that can be integrated with PRESENCE and camtrapR for analysis and has a metadata error checking feature. It is an useful tool for wildlife researchers and conservationists looking to identify and classify species.

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Free and open source camera trap software. Has image metadata error checking features. Allows for easy species classification. Software has data privacy. Allows for multiple users at the same time. Keeps track of camera, camera trap and species data. Runs on Windows, OSX and LINUX. Plays nicely with other camera trap software such as CamTrapR and PRESENCE.


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