Short summary for card views and tables: is a conservation technology platform that provides detailed information about trees in neighborhoods, including scientific names, dimensions, carbon content, and pruning schedules, fostering sustainable management and community awareness.
  • Diep edited short summary - (21 June 2023 8:04am)

    Diep contributed to Product - ""


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Species Group 

Overview is an innovative platform that connects individuals with conservation technology. This product allows users to access a comprehensive database of scientific and common names of trees planted in their neighborhoods. It provides detailed information about each tree's dimensions, carbon content, and pruning schedules, empowering users to make informed decisions regarding tree management and conservation efforts. By promoting awareness and understanding of local tree species, contributes to the preservation and sustainable management of urban green spaces, fostering a harmonious relationship between communities and their natural environment.

Product Type 

Technology Type 


Cost range

  •  Free

Where to buy

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