BearID Project
Short summary for card views and tables:  
By combining ecological research, citizen science and cutting edge AI, The BearID Project aims to develop non-invasive technologies to identify and monitor individual brown bears, in an effort to conserve them.


The BearID project seeks to develop an open source face recognition software for use in monitoring brown bears. Leveraging on AI and other non-invasive technologies, this project aims to identify individual brown bears form images of their faces, similar to human facial recognition techniques. Applying this technology to camera trap imagery provides scientists with a new technique to monitor wild populations of brown bears and ask a wider variety of applied research questions. Plans are underway to test the software in the field in order to develop guidelines for its use and provide a foundation for the development of facial recognition softwares for other threatened wildlife.

Product Type 

Technology Type 

Development Stage 

Species Group 

  •  Mammals

Help Needed 

External Resources

Testing locations


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