Canid Howl Project
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The Canid Howl Project are a research group dedicated to understanding more about the vocalisations of the Canidae family, specifically wolves, coyotes and dogs.
  • Diep edited conservation challenges - (8 June 2023 4:59pm)

    Diep contributed to R&D Project - "Canid Howl Project"


The Canid Howl Project, led by a team of scientists, focuses on studying the vocal behaviors of canids, including wolves, dogs, and coyotes, aiming to understand the various ways they communicate through howls, barks, yips, and growls. The project aims to gain insights into the vocal behavior of different canid species and breeds, including the grey wolf, red wolf, coyote, New Guinea Singing Dog, and domestic dog. To analyze the recordings, the project relies on the participation of volunteers who contribute their own analysis, collectively providing a more robust interpretation and aiding in the conservation and understanding of these unique canid species.

Product Type 

Technology Type 

Development Stage 

Species Group 

  •  Mammals

Help Needed 

Testing locations


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