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Header image: Laura Kloepper, Ph.D.


Workshop: Analyses of acoustic telemetry data with R

European Tracking Network
Join the European Tracking Network on January 18th 2021 at 2 PM Central European Time (1 PM GMT) for a free workshop on standardized analyses of acoustic telemetry data using the R packages actel and RSP!  The actel...

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Module 3.3: Measuring Battery Status

Welcome to the third part of Build Your Own Data Logger module 3. In these videos, we'll get into the process of writing our data logger application and carrying out our proof-of-concept strategy.

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Press Release: BAS Giant Iceberg Mission

British Antarctic Survey
A research mission to determine the impact of the giant A-68a iceberg on one of the world’s most important ecosystems using underwater robotic gliders gets underway this January. A team of scientists, led by British...

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XPRIZE Rainforest Summit: Pathways to Conservation

Join the XPRIZE Rainforest Summit: Pathways to Conservation on February 18-19, 2021. During this two-day digital conference, you'll meet the most knowledgeable and influential individuals in the conservation space and...

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X-Prize for Rainforests X-Prize have announced a $10m prize "to survey the most biodiversity in at least three stories of a rainforest (emergent,...

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I think if you added it to your calendar through the registration button on the Rainforest XPrize site, it added the link to join to your calendar.

Hi everyone!

I only just came across this thread and the Rainforest XPrize. I would love to be a part of the team if it's not too late. I filled out the Google Sheet form with my experience, but I also wanted to post a note in the form. I have experience managing conservation tech projects (with some members of this forum!), testing tech in the field, and conducting biodiversity surveys in the Amazon. I read through the Google Docs notes from previous meetings and you all have some interesting ideas. I would love the be a part of future planning meetings if you'll have me! 

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Module 3.2: Temperature and Humidity Settings

Welcome to the second part of Build Your Own Data Logger module 3. In these videos, we'll get into the process of writing our data logger application and carrying out our proof-of-concept strategy. 

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Module 2: Setting up the Arduino IDE

Hi WILDLoggers,  Module 2 is now live! Thanks to everyone attending our Office Hours with Akiba and Jacinta today. If you can't make it, don...

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Oh great. That makes me feel better also. Hope you have a stable development system to work off of. Great things still need to be made!


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BYO Holiday Break Project Log + Schedule Update

Hi Wildloggers, Happy holidays! Just popping in to let you all know that we're in the process of adjusting the module release schedule to reflect the longer module...

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Ha ha ha. it will be much more important than that later on. 

Stay tuned :)


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USB dongle

Enjoying the course which is very interesting. Apologies if this is a silly question but I do not understand the instructions about plugging in the USB dongle. Is this part of the...

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How do you get the cables through the white plastic sticking out bit? Mine seem to be too wide to fit through

Hi Liam. 

To get the cables through the cable gland, we'll need to remove the wires from the terminal housing and then reinstall them. That will be in a later module.


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Analyzing sounds of flying insects

Dear all, I have a short question with the hope of getting back long answers: Is anyone working in the field of detecting and analyzing sounds of flying insects (e.g. flies...

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this guys has been around a long and has some neat stuff

but sure looks like a wide-open area of research ...

Tom Dally at Leeds University UK is doing work in this area. I dont think he has anything published yet but his preliminary results are interesting (saw them at a workshop). 


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Module 3.3.3 why is pinBatt an int?

Thank you for the course which I am really enjoying and learning a lot. This is a trivial question but has me puzzled. Why does the code say int pinBatt = A6: as I had...

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Hi Akiba, Jacinta,

Jjust to say I've complted all the videos through to end of 3.3.1b successfully - no problems!  It snowed here in the North of England last night, so was measuring temperature today!

Many thanks


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How do I choose the right drone for my conservation goals?

Our fifth WILDLABS Tech Tutors Season 2 epsiode featured Shashank Srinivasan, who will tackled the question: How do I choose the right drone for my conservation goals? Watch it on the WILDLABS Youtube Channel! You can...

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Useful Resources (add your own!)

**MODERATOR EDIT: Hi everyone, I've updated this thread to turn it into a place to share useful resources relevant to the course. Please add...

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Hi Everyone.

Just thought I'd add this to the list, as I have found it very useful.

Practical Electronics for Inventors by Paul Scherz and Simon Monk. (ISBN 978-1-25-958754-2)

It does the "high level" stuff and the detailed stuff very well and covers a lot of the devices and functions you may think of using in a project.



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Module 3.1: Programming Basic Functionality

Welcome to the first part of Build Your Own Data Logger module 3. In these videos, we'll get into the process of writing our data logger application and carrying out our proof-of-concept strategy. In Module 3, we break...

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How difficult is it to build a buoy and constrain it in place?

Hi everyone.  I'm very interested in marine science and conservation. Is there any information on how to build a buoy? Icing on top would be to constrain it in place...

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You might want to check out these systems, if you haven't seen them already?

Thanks, Carlos

I worked with some folks years ago, and I'll dig into my files to see if I had a schematic of some sort. this following video --> is similar to what we would've done, though we did use insulation foam in place of the pool float, upcycled soda bottles and to anchor in place we used a car tire with cement and an I bolt alongside somethign that swivels so that the rope that holds the bouy doesn't snap off. We used it in shallower and calmer areas, though it might've been 10'-15' (3-5m). I'll make a note to look for any files I have of the project, and if you don't hear from me in the new year, could you send me a reminder?
As @Freaklabs would've heard me say a few times, PVC, whilst not environmentally friendly, is quite adaptable and can allow a modular system to be built to suit your needs. 


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Tech Tutors: How do I use pattern matching analysis to label acoustic data with RFCxArbimon?

Hi Wildlabbers, Tech Tech Tutors Season 2 continues with our third epsiode, featuring Rainforest Connection's Zephyr Gold & Marconi Campos Cerqueira‬, who tackled...

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Thanks everybody for joining today's session! I've attached the article here that describes Pattern Matching in greater detail to respond to some of the questions from today's session. 
Also, here is a link to our Privacy Policy and our Terms of Service for the individual who had questions about GDPR. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any other questions about the platform or Pattern Matching in general! 

Zephyr and Marconi, thanks for the great talk and your hard work that made this platform available to the public!! I'm experimenting with the pattern matching function to create some training data but have issues trying to get the "Jobs'' to run. I only have 18 files for each of these tests, but only 1 processed to 11.1% while two others stay at 0%. The internet connection was briefly interrupted when I created the first job and was fine later on. I can only Hide, not delete or re-run these jobs, so I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!

Hi @pmnguyen1224 , thanks for reaching out and checking out the system! We would love to help ensure that you're able to get pattern matching to work for you! I do have a few questions for you so we can replicate issue you are experiencing. Would you mind emailing us a couple screenshots and your original message above at [email protected] to get started? Or feel free to send us a chat if that's easier, by clicking on the chat icon on Looking forward to supporting you moving forward!

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Module 4 and 5

Were Modules 4 and 5 postponed? Could've sworn the poster said they would be released today.  

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Hi there! Yes, we're in the process of working out the new schedule - several of the modules have ended up being longer and more in-depth than we originally expected, so we've postponed them until after the holiday break to give everyone a chance to catch up on the first part Module 3. You can expect the second half of Module 3 after the New Year, and Module 4's release announcement will come soon after that. 

Sorry for the confusion, hope this helps! 


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Module 3.1.1 The Arduino Command Line.

I tried to compile the example code in this tutorial, but run into the following error: " 'cmdHello' was not declared in this scope" My code is below...

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Hmm.. that's strange.

I copied and tested your code (as above), and it works as expected. I get the 'command not recognised' initially, and then 'hello command line' when I type in hello.

At the bottom of the serial monitor, can you check it's set to 'carriage return' and 57600  baud  (see images below)?

After the serial monitor is open, the output will be blank.

If you put your cursor in the text input field, and press enter, it should return ''Cmd: Command Not Recognised". 

If you put your cursor in the text input field and type 'hello', it should still return the 'hello command line' as per the function.

I've attached screenshots of the two scenarios above.

Can you share what you're typing into the serial console, and what's being returned?



thanks jacinta. it worked again. The problem was I couldnt exactly see How yall set up the serial monito in the video, because all the links to future videos actually covered the bottom that showed that part. Sorry about that.

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Code Module 3-3-3b

I copied the code from Github and getting the attached error message: Any guidance appreciated, Paul

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Hey Paul,

The #include macro, #define constants and pinBatt variable declaration need to sit outside the setup function at the very top.

Declaring pinBatt outside of the setup loop, means it becomes a global variable which can be accessed by any function in the program. 

So, currently what's in the first loop function, should be in the set up function, and there should be only one loop function.

So code should look like ...

#include <cmdArduino.h>

#define ADC_UNITS 1024
#define ADC_REF_VOLTAGE 3.3

int pinBatt = A6;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(pinBatt, INPUT);

  Serial.println("Module 3-3 Lab 3a: Battery Status");

  cmd.add("batt", cmdBatt);

void loop() {


Here's some further info on #include libraries, #define constants and global variables if you're interested

# include


Global variables and scope

hope that helps!


Ah yes! Rookie mistake and soon as I saw your response I remembered the #include #define needed to be outside the setup.

Thank you!

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British Antarctic Survey: Monitoring Whales From Space

British Antarctic Survey
Scientists have found that studying high-resolution images of whales from space is a feasible way to estimate their populations. A team led by British Antarctic Survey (BAS) compared satellite images to data collected...

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SD Cards and Reliability

One of the questions that came up at the BYO Datalogger Welcome meetup is regarding SD card reliability. Since it was a bit of a detailed topic, we decided to move it to the...

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Just saw this in the digest listing -- I'd hit the same problem with the WiFi SD cards being power hungry so we're developing something ourselves with Bluetooth, WIFI and LoRa. Currently pursuing funding to be able to develop it faster, but the intention is to opensource -- so would love to colaborate if anyone has interest/input/use cases? My PhD is in low power wireless sensor networks so nice to have a project it can actually be useful for. Providing we can get funding we'll have some 'free to you' prototypes for field testing.

Hi @openlx 

Sounds very interesting and love to hear more. So would your system work as a replacement SD card, or work with an existing card/card holder. I think there's a lot of potential for any conservation technology that uses SD cards, including camera traps. And can I ask what sort of ballpark levels of funding are we talking? 



It would slot in to replace the usual SD storage card, with power, controls and antenna etc. hanging off thin wires -- the idea being to fit as many existing products as possible. Looking to raise about £10k for the proof of concept and then same again for certification and initial run.

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