
Autonomous Camera Traps for Insects / Feed

Camera trapping for insects is becoming a reality using advances in camera, AI, and autonomous systems technologies. This group discusses the latest advances, shares experiences, and offers a space for anyone interested in the technology, from beginners to experts.


Auto-Wake a Pi5 without a Pijuice! (Mothbox)

MotivationReplicate the functionality of a Pijuice with just a Pi5 and a $5 battery!Like many folks here, we use a Pijuice on the Raspberry pi on the...

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How much current does the Pi 5 draw when it is sleeping? 

I did an experiment recently and hand built one of the circuits from "Power switching RP2040 for low
standby current applications." It would be possible to design a little board/hat which combined that with an RTC to schedule complete shutdown more or less any Raspberry Pi. The RTC would draw only a tiny current.

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Insect cameras in The Inventory

So... WildLabs just launched the Inventory and there is a SERIOUS lack of insect cameras on there. So, a call out to this community to get that fixed!@Max_Sitt...

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Hey @JakeBurton , nice work with The Inventory! 


This is very aligned with some internal efforts going on in our community to map out devices, but also data and models eventually. It would be great if we find a way to make this two interoperable. We are still in the (very) alpha development phases, so it is quite open, but it would be super helpful to have some insight about the under-the-hood data structure that The Inventory is relying on, so we can figure out good ways to reliably map or info onto them. 

Happy to chat further or set up a meeting! 



Thanks very much @LucaPego! Just to clarify, 'Products' does cover hardware, but it also includes software and databases as well. Basically anything that you can take and use in your work. Sounds like we should also be including models in that as well!

It would be great to see more databases and software listed and reviewed on there. We would also be interested to learn more about your internal efforts in your community and what overlap there is for sure. Could we set up a meeting?

Hey there @JakeBurton , sorry, I did not see your message! 

Why don't you shoot me an email with some tentative availability to luca.pegoraro (at), and we take it from there? 


Again sorry for the delay! 

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Introducing The Inventory!

The Inventory is your one-stop shop for conservation technology tools, organisations, and R&D projects. Start contributing to it now!

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This is fantastic, congrats to the WildLabs team! Look forward to diving in.
Hi @JakeBurton,thanks for your great work on the Inventory!Would it be possible to see or filter new entries or reviews?Greetings from Austrian forest,Robin 
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 We are incredibly thankful to WILDLABS and Arm for selecting the MothBox for the 2024 WILDLABS Awards.  The MothBox is an automated light trap that attracts and...

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Already an update from @hikinghack

Yeah we got it about as bare bones as possible for this level of photo resolution and duration in the field. The main costs right now are:


Pi- $80

Pijuice -$75

Battery - $85

64mp Camera - $60

which lands us at $300 already. But we might be able to eliminate that pijuice and have fewer moving parts, and cut 1/4 of our costs! Compared to something like just a single logitech brio camera that sells for $200 and only gets us like 16mp, we are able to make this thing as cheap as we could figure out! :)

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Mothbox + Mothbeam Update: 4

Prepping for DeploymentIt's been mega busy at dinalab here in panama as me, Kitty, and @Hubertszcz prepped for his big field deployment in western panama.We finalized our designs...

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We did some more testing with the Mothbeam in the forest. It's the height of dry season right now, so not many moths came out, but the mothbeam shined super bright and attracted a whole bunch of really tiny things that swarmed a lot



and some nocturnal bees


you could also see the mothbeam's aura from  far away in the forest! so that was impressive!

I also tested out attaching a 12V USB booster cable to the Mothbeam, and it works 


nice! So you can attach regular USB 5V battery packs to the mothbeam as well!




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Underwater camera trap - call for early users

Hi!The CAMPHIBIAN project aims at developing an underwater camera trap primarily targeting amphibian such as newts, but co-occurring taxa are recorded as well such as frogs, grass...

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Many thanks for your contribution to the survey! We are now summarizing the list of early users and making our best to propose a newtcam to all in due time. 

All the best!


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Testing Raspberry Pi cameras: Results

So, we (mainly @albags ) have done some tests to compare the camera we currently use in the AMI-trap with the range of cameras that are available for the Pi. I said in a thread...

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And finally for now, the object detectors are wrapped by a python websocket network wrapper to make it easy for the system to use different types of object detectors. Usually, it's about 1/2 a day for me to write a new python wrapper for a new object detector type. You just need to wrap in the network connection and make it conform to the yolo way of expressing the hits, i.e. the json format that yolo outputs with bounding boxes, class names and confidence level.

What's more, you can even use multiple object detector models in different parts of a single captured image and you can cascade the logic to require multiple object detectors to match for example, or a choice from different object detectors.

It's the perfect anti-poaching system (If I say so myself :) )

Hey @kimhendrikse , thanks for all these details. I just caught up. I like your approach of supporting multiple object detectors and using the python websockets wrapper! Is your code available somewhere?

Yep, here:

Currently it only installs on older Jetsons as in the coming weeks I’ll finish the install code for current jetsons.

Technically speaking, if you were an IT specialist you could even make it work in wsl2 Ubuntu on windows, but I haven’t published instructions for that. If you were even more of a specialist you wouldn’t need wsl2 either. One day I’ll publish instructions for that once I’ve done it. Though it would be slow unless the windows machine had an NVidia GPU and you PyTorch work with it.

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Update 3: Cheap Automated Mothbox

Wanted to share a final set of updates on the work we have been cranking on here in Gamboa, Panama making this inexpensive portable night insect surveyor! There's been a lot of...

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This looks amazing! I'm currently work with hastatus bats up in Bocas, it would be really interesting to utilize some of these near foraging sites. Be sure to post again when you post the final documentation on github!


Also, Gamboa......dang I miss that little slice of heaven...


Super cool work Andrew!




Great work! I very much look forward to trying out the MothBeam light. That's going to be a huge help in making moth monitoring more accessible.

And well done digging into the picamera2 library to reduce the amount of time the light needs to be on while taking a photo. That is a super annoying issue!

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Project introductions and updates

Tell us about your project!If you are just starting out with autonomous camera traps for insects, or if you are a seasoned expert, this is the place to share your...

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Hi all! I'm part of a Pollinator Monitoring Program at California State University, San Marcos which was started by a colleague lecturer of mine who was interested in learning more about the efficacy of pollinator gardens. It grew to include comparing local natural habitat of the Coastal Sage Scrub and I was initially brought on board to assist with data analysis, data management, etc. We then pivoted to the idea of using camera traps and AI for insect detection in place of the in-person monitoring approach (for increasing data and adding a cool tech angle to the effort, given it is of interest to local community partners that have pollinator gardens). 

The group heavily involves students as researchers, and they are instrumental to the projects. We have settled on a combination of video footage and development of deep neural networks using the cloud-hosted video track detection tool, VIAME (developed by Kitware for NOAA Fisheries originally for fish track detection). Students built our first two PICTs (low-cost camera traps), and annotated the data from our pilot study that we are currently starting the process of network development for. Here's a cool pic of the easy-to-use interface that students use when annotating data: 

A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

                                                    Figure 1: VIAME software demonstrating annotation of the track of an insect in the video (red box). Annotations are                                                           done manually to develop a neural network for the automated processing.

The goal of the group's camera trap team is develop a neural network that can track insect pollinators associated with a wide variety of plants, and to use this information to collect large datasets to better understand the pollinator occurrence and activities with local habitats. This ultimately relates to native habitat health and can be used for long-term tracking of changes in the ecosystem, with the idea that knowledge of pollinators may inform resources and conservation managers, as well as local organizations in their land use practices. We ultimately are interested in working with the Kitware folks further to not only develop a robust network (and share broadly of course!), but also to customize the data extraction from automated tracks to include automated species/species group identification and information on interaction rate by those pollinators. We would love any suggestions for appropriate proposals to apply to, as well as any information/suggestions regarding the PICT camera or suggestions on methods. We are looking to include night time data collection at some point as well and are aware the near infrared is advised, but would appreciate any thoughts/advice on that avenue as well. 

We will of course post when we have more results and look forward to hearing more about all the interesting projects happening in this space!

Liz Ferguson 

HI, indeed as Tom mentioned, I am working here in Vermont on moth monitoring using machines with Tom and others. We have a network going from here into Canada with others. Would love to catch up with you soon. I am away until late April, but would love to connect after that!

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Update 2: Cheap Automated Mothbox

Here's an update of the work we are doing building the cheap open source mothbox for @Hubertszcz External design In a lot of wilderness tool development...

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Hi Andrew,

thanks for sharing your development process so openly, that's really cool and boosts creative thinking also for the readers! :)

Regarding a solution for Raspberry Pi power management: we are using the PiJuice Zero pHAT in combination with a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W in our insect camera trap. There are also other versions available, e.g. for RPi 4 (more info: PiJuice GitHub). From my experience the PiJuice works mostly great and is super easy to install and set up. Downsides are the price and the lack of further software updates/development. It would be really interesting if you could compare one of their HATs to the products from Waveshare. Another possible solution would be a product from UUGear. I have the Witty Pi 4 L3V7 lying around, but couldn't really test and compare it to the PiJuice HAT yet.

Is there a reason why you are using the Raspberry Pi 4? From what I understand about your use case, the RPi Zero 2 W or even RPi Zero should give enough computing power and require a lot less power. Also they are smaller and would be easier to integrate in your box (and generate less heat).

I'm excited for the next updates to see in which direction you will be moving forward with your Mothbox!



Thanks a lot for this detailed update on your project! It looks great!

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Cheap Automated Mothbox

Hi everyone! @Hubertszcz has a biodiversity monitoring project in Panama, and we have been working on quick and dirty, ultra low cost high quality insect monitoring. We built a...

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I'm looking into writing a sketch for the esp32-cam that can detect pixel changes and take a photo, wish me luck.

One question, does it even need motion detection? What about taking a photo every 5 seconds and sorting the photos afterwards?

It depends on which scientists you talk to. I am an favor of just doing a timelapse and doing a post-processing sort afterwards. There's not much reason i can see for such motion fidelity. For the box i am making we are doing exactly that, though maybe a photo every minute or so

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Metadata standards for Automated Insect Camera Traps

Have others watched this webinar from GBIF introducing the data model for camera trap data. I wonder if this is something we can easily adopt/adapt for our sorts of camera traps?

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Yes. I think this is really the way to go!

Here is another metadata initiative to be aware of. OGC has been developing a standard for describing training datasets for AI/ML image recognition and labeling. The review phase is over and it will become a new standard in the next few weeks. We should consider its adoption when we develop our own training image collections.

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