
Osa Conservation
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Osa Conservation uses innovative technology and a comprehensive approach to protect the Osa Peninsula's natural ecosystems.
  • Diep edited main address - (5 June 2023 4:16am)

    Diep contributed to Organisation - "Osa Conservation"


Osa Conservation (OC) is a Costa Rica-based nonprofit dedicated to conserving and restoring the natural ecosystems of the Osa Peninsula. Their innovative use of technology aims to protect the rainforest and create a climate-adaptive biological corridor. With a multi-faceted approach, they utilize GPS tags, drones, AI, and camera traps for wildlife monitoring and surveillance. OC engages local communities, promotes social equity, and enhances livelihoods. Their comprehensive approach sets an example for biodiversity protection worldwide, maximizing conservation impact.

Organisation Type 

Species Group 

Main Address

Apdo. 54-8203, Puerto Jiménez
Costa Rica

External Resources


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Osa Conservation

I am an Argentinian Ecologist of Communities. After I finished my PhD in 2020 I joined the Osa Conservation Wildlife team. I have been working since 2021 leading in the field projects for Osa Conservation, includding monitoring and mitigation efforts to reduce human impact

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