
Community Base / Feed

The WILDLABS Community Base is the ideal place to get oriented with the all that our community platform offers, hear about news and opportunitys, and to meet new friends and collaborators. 


Strength of your passwords

Hi all,   I was shown this article by a friend, it talks about some of the most common passwords that are used. It got me thinking, how do you keep your passwords...

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The Future of wildlife?

Hello everyone! I'm currently working on a project that tries to initiate discussion on the possibilities of increased privatization of wildlife, along with increased roles...

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Are you heading to Colombia for the SCB International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2017)?

We're only a few days out from the SCB International Congress for Conservation Biology (ICCB 2017), which will be held in Cartagena, Colombia this year from 23rd-27th July....

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Hello to everyone following along with this thread! We having a #tech4wildlife happy hour this evening from 4:30pm:

 EL BARÓN - Café & Liquor Bar
Cra. 4 #31-7, Cartagena, Bolívar, Colombia
+57 5 6643105

Participants from the two tech workshops - the tech think tank and the camera trap workshop - are coming along, and anyone else is welcome! 



Hi guys,

I'll be staffing the Miradi Software booth that Nick mentioned. So in case you don't make to any of the sessions, you can swing by our booth and ask questions, learn more about and and/or take part in our raffle to win  free subscription for Miradi.


Looking forward to seeing you all real soon,


hey Felix, great to hear from you! I'll definitely be popping by to find out more, thanks for sharing your booth details. 

As there are two tech focused symposiums today, plus your event nick, we're going to have another happy hour this evening for tech folk. Our one on Saturday had ~40 people, and, from the feedback I've had, people really appreciated the chance to sit for a while and have proper ind conversations. So it seems valuable to host another one.

Tech Happy Hour

5pm Tonight

Plaza de la Santísima Trinidad

Map below

We also have a growing tech whatsapp group which is how we're coordinating a lot of impromptu meetups, so if you'd like to join just add me at +44 7702255269, and let me know who you are. It'd also be helpful if you told me a sentence about what you're working on so I have a bit of context to connect you into the group. 

Looking forward to seeing old faces and meeting new ones. See you all soon 




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The five big announcements from Google I/O

Dave Lee (BBC) has a nice round up of the major announcements that came out of Google's annual developer conference, held this week.  If you follow tech news...

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You can get a sense of Google Lens today with the Thing Translator Google AI Experiment. I recommend checking out the other experiments too. Fun and sometimes bordering on magical.

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Info Tech for Non-Profits blog

Info Tech for Non-Profits blog Only tangentially related to wildlife conservation technology, but I believe of general interest to anyone trying to maximize...

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This is a great blog, it's really interesting!

For those of you who work with large datasets and/or have a high turn over in temp files, the below list of software packages just makes life easier when managing laptop space, cleaning up cached files and zipping/unzipping compressed documents. Enjoy:

- For extended displays etc. Display Fusion. Free for the first month or so for the advanced version and then basic but still free after that. Most importantly allows you to have multiple display profiles so when you remove your laptop from a dock you can switch to a different profile and visa versa.  

- For cleaning up a computer with a bunch of rubbish in cache folders etc. (taking up memory and slowing things down) which are difficult to find- CCleader.

- For playing all media and audio types while circumventing the frequent codec problem encountered with windows media player: VLC Media Player.

- For zipping and unzipping a variety of files and a generally superior compression ratio: 7-Zip. This also works for extracting pictures etc. from word documents without opening them- allows you to cut down on word document size without the palaver of opening and scrolling through it.

- Google Earth has now unlocked it’s PRO version with increased functionality for general use (used to cost $400 per year). You can download Google Earth PRO here.

- For programmers or those wishing to view script or large logs in a simple note pad layout but with proper coded colours, indents, file tabs etc. Notepad++.

- Finally for understanding how much space is available and what is taking up the room on any driver: SpaceSniffer.exe. Spacesniffer gives you a graphical representation of whatever driver you point it at (e.g. C Drive) which will allow you to identify possible areas of wasted space and/or bad sectors on external harddrives.

All of the software here was either introduced to me during my time with the Environment Agency or working with the Canadian government so they’ve all been vetted. The only one which is a new download mirror is the CCleaner link but it looks like the software I use on my machine currently. I usually download if from CNET but that comes up with a large number of popups…

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Biodesign - using pheromones & tech to curate future ecosystems

Hi all, My team and I are from Imperial College and the Royal College of Art, and we've been working on a concept as part of the Biodesign Challenge - envisaging future...

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Hi. Personally, I like the idea of number 1. It could also be useful for catching invasive species such as lionfish, or maybe it could also act as a lure for them. Could species over time adapt to the presence of the phermones though? 

The third point sounds like a GMO and it's one thing when it's being proposed for crops, but it's another when it comes to wild species. That could forever alter the gene pool, similar to the debate over the farming of GMO salmon in proximity to wild populations. 

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Upcoming capacity building conference

Hi all! I'll be attending a conference on capacity building in Pune, India this week. There wil be a day of tech demonstrations available for participants covering things from...

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I went to one of the ERT Spatial Ecology and conservation conferences in Bristol a couple of years ago. It was invaluable - I discovered things there that I'm now using extensively at work. Plus, Mark is a great guy. I checked back recently and saw that this was happening - it sounds wonderful - have a great time! The WILDLABS.NET session looks awesome!

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Join our #Tech4Wildlife Photo Challenge this World Wildlife Day (March 3)

In celebration of World Wildlife Day this Friday, we're going to be holding our second annual #Tech4Wildlife Photo Challenge over on twitter! It would be fantastic to see...

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Here is a picture of the black caiman (Melanosuchus niger) taken by a drone, during an expedition throughout the Juruá river, in the Brazilian Amazon.

For the first time UAV was used for counting river dolphins in the Amazon. Here is the tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) during a expedition in November 2016, in the Amazon.

WWF-Brasil in partnership with conservationdrones and Mamirauá Institute is leading a project aiming at using drones for supporting studies on river dolphins abundance. It is the first time this approach has been used.  

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Sign up to participate in Make for the Planet during the Earth Optimism Summit

Do you plan on being in Washington, D.C. over Earth Day weekend? Join Conservation X Labs and teams of hackers, coders, makers, engineers, designers, entrepreneurs, creative...

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This sounds fantastic! Am based out of San Diego but could potentially travel in and would be interested to join a WILDLABS team if there's one in the making.

Managed to chorale a group together at my company and submitted our application last night. If any Wildlabs folk are joining as part of other teams though, I love to meet them there (and will keep my fingers crossed that we're all selected to attend!) :)

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It's 2017

Now that we're in 2017 officially, what has you excited for the year? What technological innovations are you looking forward to testing out?

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I'm new to wildlabs, and super excited that this forum exists. I'd worked in technology (hardware design) for about 12.5 years, but am now looking for avenues to use that tech experience towards conservation. Personally, I'm just excited to learn about how and where I can use my skills to aid conservation.

My organization—Wildlife Conservation Network—is trying to use technology to more efficiently connect the stories of our conservation parters with supporters, and increasing our reach. Video is really the theme for many of our projects this year.

We did livestreaming of our Expo last Fall on both Facebook and YouTube, and that worked out well. We'll be doing the same for our 2017 Spring expo this year. Facebook heavily promotes you on your followers’ feeds when you are live. We ended up with over 12k video views so I highly recommend that you all experiment with Facebook Live this year.

I also just picked up an DJI Osmo Mobile camera gimbal. My initial tests are pretty darn impressive, especially when travelling in a vehicle over bumpy terrain. I’ll be using it on-site in Africa in a couple of weeks, and I expect it will take the quality of the typical field video up significantly.

I'm sure the next step will be to invest in a proper lav mic.

And I’m going to be training our partners on the basics of using iMovie to create and upload their own videos to YouTube.

I know this isn't exactly wildlife tech, but I think that pretty much everyone these days has a fantastic opportunity to document the amazing, cutting-edge work you are doing to share it with the world.

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DC Tech Meetup, November 15th

DC WILDLABS friends: Rachel Kramer (WILDLABS Steering Group, WWF) will join local start-ups at the DC Tech Meetup to demo WILDLABS on November...

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It looks like the event went swimmingly @Rachel+Kramer and @jprobert! Did you have a chance to meet any other members or hear about other particularly interesting projects? (photo credit: John Probert)

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Digital + core business = biodiversity or ecosystem benefits?

I'm doing some research for an article I'm co-authoring and was wondering if anyone knows of cases where a company has used digital technology...

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Hi Francesca,

I don't think I have the exact answers you are looking for, but 1) maybe where companies have switched from paper/flyer marketing to solely web-based adverts (possibly reducing waste). 2) Check out some of the applications currently being developed around blockchain technology (which underpins the digital currency Bitcoin), specifically in regards to potentially optimising efficiency or energy usage or supply chain transparency (with knock-on effects for improving environmental certification schemes). 

Provenance are a start-up currently developing such a model, and may be worth investigating. Here in Edinburgh Uni there is a also blockchain project working with Oxfam on something related to reducing waste/increasing efficiency. 


The blockchain example is a really great point - one that didn't come immediately to mind for me, even though I read about Provenance just a week or two ago. There is a good write up of the project in the link I've included below - it's worth reading, particularly if you're interested in or working on marine conservation and sustainable fisheries. 




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Meetup Topic Ideas - Do you have something to share?

Hi everyone,  I'm keen to hear from members of the group for ideas or nominations about topics for future meetups. I think one of the strengths of the group is that it...

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Hi Stephanie,

A postdoc friend at Newcastle University has been involved in developing and implementing Tumbling Dice's  Rana camera trap project for detecting pollinators. Not your average camera trap, Rana detects frames in which a substantial number of pixels in that frame differ from the previous frame and in which these motion-pixels are concentrated into a small area, “the blob”. They used this technology for monitoring pollinator visits to pasqueflower (Pulsatilla vulgaris) in the Chilterns. They are off to Utah to start a new job in 2017 but they could be a great candidate?

It's also well worth checking out Tumbling Dice's other projects including Daisy for automated species recognition at

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Conservation tech in SE Asia

Hi folks I am interested in finding out more about how technology is being used in conservation in SE Asia and in particular what Asian companies are involved in making...

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Hi JC, 

I'm looking for similar information for E.Africa (particularly Kenya). Not sure how much these overlap, but have found the following; SMART, Cybertracker, Jigzaw, WILD, MIST, METT, Land PKS. Seems like a big focus on anti-poaching/security. Are you aware/can you please point me to others you may have heard of? 

Best Wishes,


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IUCN Post discussion

Hi all,   I'm curious, what to you was the most inspiring thing about the Congress? What was the best talk? Who had the best giveaway items? What to you made...

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Download our handy guide for the tech sessions at WCC

We've scoured the 1000+ sessions in the IUCN World Conservation Congress program to create a Conservation Technology Pathway. With so many tech sessions going on, I...

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Thank you very much @StephODonnell 


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Are you heading to Hawai'i for the IUCN World Conservation Congress?

We're two weeks out from the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Hawai'i. 'm keen to meet as many WILDLABS.NET members as possible while I'm there, so if...

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I won't be attending the IUCN conference in Hawaii, but I am writing an article on efforts to curtail the illegal wildlife trade through greater regional and international cooperation between the entities tasked with stopping the trade.

The premise of the artlice will  focus on the issues raised in this working paper.

I'd like to focus on initiatives underway to clamp  down on the transportation and logistics aspects of the global trade.  And I'd like to interview the representatives of the conservation groups and agency officials attending for their views on what they'd like to see happen at Cop17.

My deadline is Sept 8th. But I'd like to conduct interviews this coming week.


Enrique Gili
Freelance Writer
email:[email protected]
Twitter: gili92107
SkypeID: gili92107







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Presenting at the IUCN Congress? Share your event details

We're developing a full schedule of all the conservation tech events at the Congress, to be released in the next few days. There are more than 60 tech sessions...

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Hi all

We are running a session on IUCN's decision support tools (mostly databases) for addressing invasive alien species. Many of the tools have come about due to mandates from CBD, and in partnership with other organisations.

Species Conservation Pavilion

4 September 2016

19:30 - 21:30

Details can be seen here -

Many thanks

On behalf of the United States Department of State, I'd like to invite all interested conservationists, technologists, and others to take part in-person or online in a conservation technology event centered around the upcoming Zoohackathon

On Friday, September 2 at 1:00 - 1:30 pm in the U.S. Pavilion at the World Conservation Congress, Undersecretary of State Cathy Novelli will host a group of leading wildlife officials, including CITES Secretary General John Scanlon and Association of Zoos and Aquariums Executive Director Kris Vehrs, for a conversation about Zoohackathon and conservation technology generally. We'll show off the recently developed Wildlife Witness app and then answer a few questions solicitied from YOU via!

Please reply to this thread, write me directly, or follow up with other Zoohackathon threads on WildLabs to ask your conservation tech questions to this group of senior officials. Before the event, we'll pull a few of these questions and ask our panel, film the responses, and provide film and transcript follow-ups on WildLabs.

And if you can join us at the event in Hawaii, we'd love to see you! Then stick around for Jane Goodall's talk immediately following.



Zoohackathon Global Coordinator, U.S. Department of State, [email protected] 


Hi @StephODonnell and others,

I'll be joining NOAA, Pew, Walton etc for a workshop on "Application of Monitoring, Control and Surveillance (MCS) Tools for Marine Protected Area (MPA) Enforcement" (session number: 10303; room 307AB; September 2, 2:30-7pm).

My part will be to present on a project that Stimson is launching ahead of the Our Ocean Conference called Secure Our Oceans, focused on technology and innovation for ocean security, including IUU (partnership with National Geographic). Check out




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