
Build Your Own Data Logger Community / Feed

Welcome to the official group forum for our virtual course, Build Your Own Data Logger. This is your space to engage with course instructors Akiba and Jacinta from Freaklabs, find help and resources for each module, collaborate and chat with your fellow course participants, and share your progress on your own Data Logger project!


Module 3.2: Temperature and Humidity Settings

Hi everyone,  As you're aware, Module 3 has turned into a bit of a monster. To get all the information to you in a digestable format, we've broken it into six...

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An observation I made when first experimenting with DHT22 modules with a Raspberry Pi years ago that still seems true with Arduino and DHT11 sensors.  The first reading of the temperature and humidity always seems to be inaccurate for some reason, so my habit was to always read and throw away the first command as part of the device setup.


28.10,49.00  <--  inaccurate



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Module 3.5: SD Cards and the FAT File System

Welcome to the fifth part of Build Your Own Data Logger module 3. In these videos, we'll get into the process of writing our data logger application and carrying out our proof-of-concept strategy. 

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Module 3.4: Real Time Clock

Welcome to the fourth part of Build Your Own Data Logger module 3. In these videos, we'll get into the process of writing our data logger application and carrying out our proof-of-concept strategy. 

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Course Directory

Welcome to the Build Your Own Datalogger virtual course. On this page, you'll find a table of contents to help you navigate around the course and supporting materials.  

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Module 3.3: Measuring Battery Status

Welcome to the third part of Build Your Own Data Logger module 3. In these videos, we'll get into the process of writing our data logger application and carrying out our proof-of-concept strategy.

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Module 3.2: Temperature and Humidity Settings

Welcome to the second part of Build Your Own Data Logger module 3. In these videos, we'll get into the process of writing our data logger application and carrying out our proof-of-concept strategy. 

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Module 2: Setting up the Arduino IDE

Hi WILDLoggers,  Module 2 is now live! Thanks to everyone attending our Office Hours with Akiba and Jacinta today. If you can't make it, don...

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Oh great. That makes me feel better also. Hope you have a stable development system to work off of. Great things still need to be made!


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BYO Holiday Break Project Log + Schedule Update

Hi Wildloggers, Happy holidays! Just popping in to let you all know that we're in the process of adjusting the module release schedule to reflect the longer module...

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Ha ha ha. it will be much more important than that later on. 

Stay tuned :)


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USB dongle

Enjoying the course which is very interesting. Apologies if this is a silly question but I do not understand the instructions about plugging in the USB dongle. Is this part of the...

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How do you get the cables through the white plastic sticking out bit? Mine seem to be too wide to fit through

Hi Liam. 

To get the cables through the cable gland, we'll need to remove the wires from the terminal housing and then reinstall them. That will be in a later module.


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Module 3.3.3 why is pinBatt an int?

Thank you for the course which I am really enjoying and learning a lot. This is a trivial question but has me puzzled. Why does the code say int pinBatt = A6: as I had...

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Hi Akiba, Jacinta,

Jjust to say I've complted all the videos through to end of 3.3.1b successfully - no problems!  It snowed here in the North of England last night, so was measuring temperature today!

Many thanks


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Useful Resources (add your own!)

**MODERATOR EDIT: Hi everyone, I've updated this thread to turn it into a place to share useful resources relevant to the course. Please add...

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Hi Everyone.

Just thought I'd add this to the list, as I have found it very useful.

Practical Electronics for Inventors by Paul Scherz and Simon Monk. (ISBN 978-1-25-958754-2)

It does the "high level" stuff and the detailed stuff very well and covers a lot of the devices and functions you may think of using in a project.



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Module 3.1: Programming Basic Functionality

Welcome to the first part of Build Your Own Data Logger module 3. In these videos, we'll get into the process of writing our data logger application and carrying out our proof-of-concept strategy. In Module 3, we break...

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Module 4 and 5

Were Modules 4 and 5 postponed? Could've sworn the poster said they would be released today.  

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Hi there! Yes, we're in the process of working out the new schedule - several of the modules have ended up being longer and more in-depth than we originally expected, so we've postponed them until after the holiday break to give everyone a chance to catch up on the first part Module 3. You can expect the second half of Module 3 after the New Year, and Module 4's release announcement will come soon after that. 

Sorry for the confusion, hope this helps! 


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Module 3.1.1 The Arduino Command Line.

I tried to compile the example code in this tutorial, but run into the following error: " 'cmdHello' was not declared in this scope" My code is below...

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Hmm.. that's strange.

I copied and tested your code (as above), and it works as expected. I get the 'command not recognised' initially, and then 'hello command line' when I type in hello.

At the bottom of the serial monitor, can you check it's set to 'carriage return' and 57600  baud  (see images below)?

After the serial monitor is open, the output will be blank.

If you put your cursor in the text input field, and press enter, it should return ''Cmd: Command Not Recognised". 

If you put your cursor in the text input field and type 'hello', it should still return the 'hello command line' as per the function.

I've attached screenshots of the two scenarios above.

Can you share what you're typing into the serial console, and what's being returned?



thanks jacinta. it worked again. The problem was I couldnt exactly see How yall set up the serial monito in the video, because all the links to future videos actually covered the bottom that showed that part. Sorry about that.

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Code Module 3-3-3b

I copied the code from Github and getting the attached error message: Any guidance appreciated, Paul

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Hey Paul,

The #include macro, #define constants and pinBatt variable declaration need to sit outside the setup function at the very top.

Declaring pinBatt outside of the setup loop, means it becomes a global variable which can be accessed by any function in the program. 

So, currently what's in the first loop function, should be in the set up function, and there should be only one loop function.

So code should look like ...

#include <cmdArduino.h>

#define ADC_UNITS 1024
#define ADC_REF_VOLTAGE 3.3

int pinBatt = A6;

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(pinBatt, INPUT);

  Serial.println("Module 3-3 Lab 3a: Battery Status");

  cmd.add("batt", cmdBatt);

void loop() {


Here's some further info on #include libraries, #define constants and global variables if you're interested

# include


Global variables and scope

hope that helps!


Ah yes! Rookie mistake and soon as I saw your response I remembered the #include #define needed to be outside the setup.

Thank you!

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SD Cards and Reliability

One of the questions that came up at the BYO Datalogger Welcome meetup is regarding SD card reliability. Since it was a bit of a detailed topic, we decided to move it to the...

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Just saw this in the digest listing -- I'd hit the same problem with the WiFi SD cards being power hungry so we're developing something ourselves with Bluetooth, WIFI and LoRa. Currently pursuing funding to be able to develop it faster, but the intention is to opensource -- so would love to colaborate if anyone has interest/input/use cases? My PhD is in low power wireless sensor networks so nice to have a project it can actually be useful for. Providing we can get funding we'll have some 'free to you' prototypes for field testing.

Hi @openlx 

Sounds very interesting and love to hear more. So would your system work as a replacement SD card, or work with an existing card/card holder. I think there's a lot of potential for any conservation technology that uses SD cards, including camera traps. And can I ask what sort of ballpark levels of funding are we talking? 



It would slot in to replace the usual SD storage card, with power, controls and antenna etc. hanging off thin wires -- the idea being to fit as many existing products as possible. Looking to raise about £10k for the proof of concept and then same again for certification and initial run.

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Code location online?

Total beginner and failing eyesight mean trying to read code on the YouTube videos is a struggle. I think I am right in saying there are copies of the code on Github (SP??) and I...

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Hi. I guess we haven't made it prominent enough. Here is the github link where you can find all the code for the virtual course:

Hope that helps :)


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Module 3.1: Programming Basic Functionality

Hi WildLoggers, We're just about ready to share our next module with all of you! We have a little announcement regarding this module: Because there are so many videos in...

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When you get a chance, can you please upload PDF's of the slides for the 3.2 videos? Thanks! 


In your code to set the baud rate you write: cmd.begin(57600);

Have you tried this with: Serial.begin(57600);

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Microphone and ePTFE

In the Welcome Session Akiba mentioned using ePTFE for waterproofing mics. Is this membrane suitable for application with mics that are used for detecting ultrasound signals, e.g...

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Would ultrasonic trransducers also work as ultrasound microphones? If so, there are waterproof ultrasonic transducers that exist. It's possible to encase these either in silicone rubber, epoxy, or stuff into a cable gland to have a waterproof ultrasonic microphone.  I've attached a pic of one for reference.


Hi Cryssy,

    I am also looking for membranes to waterproof mics used for recording bat ultrasound. The people at Open Acoustics Devices is using  Porelle® AV5ID acoustic membranes for the AudioMoth moulded case ( I wonder if someone in the WildLabs Community may know how to get them in small quantities. I have only found dealers that sell them in large quantities (+2000), I guess for the cell phone market (for example,

    Let me know if you find something,

    Best wishes,  Toni 

Hi Toni. 

We have some ePTFE samples that we're testing for the webshop. If you're interested in characterizing ePTFE samples for high frequency audio, we can send some out to you.


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North/Central/South America (western hemisphere) viewing party?

Hi all!  Wondering if anyone else in the Western hemisphere time zones would want to set up a joint watch session for the course modules, office hours, etc.? I know some...

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Hi. Just an FYI. I asked Carly if we were meeting weekly and she said it was going to be bi-weekly. So as far as I know, there's no watch party tomorrow. Is this correct? If so, then I think the registration needs to be updated since it filled my calendar with weekly events instead of bi-weekly events.



Hi Akiba,

Yeah that's right, it's bi-weekly, so next Tuesday will be the next event! I'll see if Carly can change the registration details so it'll show the new schedule.

Hi all!

So the next Western Hemisphere office hours will be NEXT Tuesday (Dec 15) at 5pm EST/2pm PST. Since the module videos and info are released today and every other week from today, we wanted to give folks a chance to work through stuff on their own a bit and then come prepared with questions/problems for the office hours. For those who've already registered through the Zoom link, I just re-sent the confirmation email with the updated dates. To anyone who wants to join in, register here


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BYO Data Logger: Introduce Yourself!

Welcome to the Build Your Own Data Logger virtual course! We're so excited to see such a great group of regular Wildlabbers and newcomers joining us for our first virtual...

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Hi Greg. 

Wow, I'm glad the boards got to you. Jacinta and I are still working on the modules and I'm discovering creating video takes much longer than I had anticipated. Jacinta's more pro. For the course, we're targeting people that are completely new to Arduino and are deliberately pacing it so that it doesn't overwhelm everyone. But if you  have more experience and want to move forward on your own, here's some info and things you can do. 

We're running behind on documentation because all our time is taken creating video, assembling kits, and shipping out orders. But I've attached an image that should help out in understanding the pin mappings. 

I also recommend you test out the realtime clock and SdFat library on your board. You can download them from the Arduino library manager. Search for Rtc_PCF8563 and also the SdFat library in there. Also, the SdFat uses pin10 for the chip select. 

If you run into problems, we'll be dropping the videos for the command line, temperature/humidity sensor, and analog digital converter next Tuesday. Two weeks after, we'll be dropping the videos for realtime clock, SD card, and interrupts. 

You might also be interested in the video where we do the toplevel integration for the app and also the power and reliability optimizations. Those come in January. 

Good luck and if you get stuck, feel free to ask questions and the course videos will be rolling out soon :)


p.s.  Once we have everyone on the same page with the fundamentals, then we have some ideas on really interesting follow-on courses/projects that build on that :)


It's great to have an Arduino that integrates most of the things that we need on the board. Previous projects have required a spaghetti of all-too-fragile interconnects. The design seems quite well thought out.

I'll do as you suggest with the realtime clock and SdFat libraries. Sharing the sketches on your GiHub repository would be very helpful.

Kind regards


Hi Greg.

I'm glad you like the WildLogger. It's actually a variant of a design we use all the time. Jacinta and I come from a background in environmental monitoring and international development. The types of designs and the problems are very similar to wildlife conservation and research. We'd be floundering if we had to design consumer electronic devices. Ha ha ha. 

We'll be uploading code to github for the modules as we release the videos. If you want to work ahead and you have questions though, feel free to post here or in this forum. 


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Module 1: Understand the Design Stack

Hi WILDLoggers,  Thanks to everyone who attended our virtual launch today! We're so excited that our virtual course is finally here! You can find...

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FYI ordered the 11th, send the 13th, arrived in good order today, the 27th, in the UK .

Hi Egil. 
Thanks for the info. It looks like UK deliveries are pretty consistent at around 15 days on average +/- a few days. 
We are seeing much more variability for the US which is fast for some and slow for others. If anyone has any questions or wondering about their order, feel free to email us or PM us on Wildlabs. 


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Memory & Power - Alternatives

Hi Everyone, I have a few questions relating to Memory & Power (Video 1.2b). I wondered if there was any reason for using AA batteries as opposed to a LiPo? I’d...

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Hi Rob. 

Congratulations on getting it to work!!

Yes, most batteries come with the JST-PH connector which has a 2mm pin spacing. If you have the equipment and components to crimp on a JST-XH connector which has a 2.54 mm spacing, that would fit into the Wildlogger board. As a warning, the virtual courses and the Freaklabs designs will standardize on the JST-XH connectors with 2.54 spacing because they're compatible with standard electronics prototyping gear like breadboards, and standard 2.54mm (0.100") header connectors. However the JST-XH connectors have polarity (they can only be plugged in one way) and lock (they require additional force to remove) which is why we are using them. 

Anyways so if you can crimp on JST-XH connectors, I recommend doing it for your Li-Po (Lithium-Ion-Polymer) battery. For single cell Li-Po batteries, they are compatible with WildLogger and can replace the stock battery case. We used the standard case because we were worried about what kind of batteries were commonly available throughout the world. Alkaline AA batteries are easily found everywhere so we decided to go with those for this first course. That may change in the future or that we offer different battery options for future courses and designs. 

Hope that helps.

Also for those that are wondering what JST-XH and JST-PH are, JST is a company that makes a type of connector that is commonly used for cable harnesses. In general, they are commonly used fo batteries, but also for other types of cables. JST-XH is a specific polarized locking cable connector with a 2.54 mm (0.100") pin pitch. JST-PH is a specific polarized locking cable connector with a 2.00mm pin pitch. In general, I prefer polarized, locking connectors because it's not possible to plug them in backwards and because they lock, it's hard to inadvertently pull them out or for them to fall out due to vibration. The standard connectors you might recognize are Molex 2.54 mm connectors which don't have polarity and locking so it's possible to plug in cables backwards and have them fall out. They're okay for general usage, but when possible we use JST-XH. I've attached a pic of Molex 2.54mm connectors and JST-XH 2.54mm connectors below for reference.

Also we will be covering crimping our own cable harnesses later. It's an important skill and cable harnesses are one of those unglamorous things that are critical for devices and deployment but aren't really talked about much.



Hi Akiba,

Thanks for that.  I've not added hardware to the Arduino IDE before, so that was useful to learn.  I've just got an original Commodore 64, to have a nostalgic retro Christmas, to re-learn BASIC and hopefully learn some machine code & the principles of computer architecture.  Hopefully when I turn it on, the smoke will stay on the inside! : )

Yes, it was the male connector on the battery I was thinking of changing (not the female connector on the board).  I'm not going to, it was just to check it was OK to do so; if the need ever arose; for future reference.  Interesting, I was thinking about the issue of the connectors locking/ pulling out, and their accessibility in the case.

I'd be interested to learn more, as you say in the future about different battery options.




Hi Rob. 
The battery connector would be the easiest connector to change from PH to XH. Also the Wildlogger board can tolerate any battery input between 3.6V and 5V. We purposely chose this range so there is compatibility with single cell lithium-ion and lithium-ion-polymer batteries as well which are 4.2V nominally. 
Yes, batteries are fascinating and one of the biggest issues we deal with for these types of applications. They're often the limiting factor for drones, tracking collars, and long term monitoring devices. They also don't scale with technology so no matter how tech improves, we still essentially deal with decades old battery technology. Ha ha ha. 
Hopefully that seems like it might be changing :)


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Module 2: Setting up the Arduino IDE

Welcome to the second module of our Build Your Own Data Logger virtual course. In these videos, we'll cover the steps to installing Arduino and setting up the hardware, as well as writing our first programs.

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Office Hours: Module 1

Hi Wildloggers!  How's everyone getting on with Module 1? Although we're releasing this virtual course so that it can be done at your own pace, we've heard a...

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Hi everyone. 

For this week's office hours, we'll be giving a preview of Module 2 which will be released after office hours and answering questions about Module 1. We'll also be answering any other questions you might have regarding hardware, sensors, datalogging, etc. Looking forward to chatting on Tuesday.

Also we'll be discussing with @carlybatist to arrange that Jacinta and I will be available for the western hemisphere (Americas and Africa) meetup as well. We didn't expect so much geographically diverse interest in the course. Ha ha ha.


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Module 1: Understand the Design Stack

Welcome to the first module of our Build Your Own Data Logger virtual course. We'll cover what you need to know about the hardware and software we'll use in this course, and things you should consider when choosing...

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Build Your Own Data Logger Virtual Course

Ready to put your Tech Tutors skills into practice? WILDLABS and Freaklabs are proud to announce our new virtual course: Build Your Own Data Logger. This eight-part video tutorial series will guide wildlife and...

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